“Be still and know that I am God’’
Christian Meditation Join us in church on the first four Sundays during Lent for a time of learning, reflection, music and quiet conversation together. This is a time to come together, not having to do anything but to simply enjoy being in the presence of God and of one another and to spend a little time in holy silence.
March 9th, 16th 23rd, 30th at 4:00 p.m.

The 'World Day of Prayer' 2025 refers to an annual international day where women from various Christian denominations gather to pray together, focusing on a specific theme chosen by women from a particular country; in 2025, the theme is "I Made You Wonderful" based on Psalm 139. Here are some images of the World day of prayer display that was in church from Friday's Service written by the women of the Cook Islands.​

On: Saturday April 12th
Time: 10:00 am - 12 noon
At: St Cuthbert's Church - Church Street
Entry: £2 to include drink and home made hot cross bun.
Stalls: Cake/Home produce * Bric-a-brac * Raffle * Books, cd's and dvd's
The proceeds are to go towards
our church funds.
Sheridan is having a bad day. Her church is closing, Adult Social Care are on her case, and she can’t work out what ingredients she needs from Homebase to make a bomb. With no one else to turn to, she climbs the scaffolding around the leaking church steeple with a few questions for Whoever Is In Charge. (See more.)
On: Saturday April 26th
Time: 7:30pm
At: Amble Parish Hall - Dovecote Street
NE65 0XD
Tickets: Adults £12 Child £6
From: N&F Young Queen Street or online.

We meet 1st Sunday of the month. Time: 3:00 pm (Winter Time.) This is a short, very informal service for all ages held at Coquet Tea Rooms, Queen Street.
All Welcome.

Behold The Coat of Hopes
The Coat of Hopes is a patchwork coat that is on an ongoing walk through Britain. Made, worn and walked by hundreds of people during and since its pilgrimage from the south coast of England to COP 26, the UN climate summit, in Glasgow.
The Coat is made up of pieces of blanket into which people have worked their griefs, remembrances, prayers and hopes for the place they call home. It carries an invitation to share our love and responsibility in facing this climate and ecological emergency.
The Coat of Hopes came here to Amble.
Visit their website to find out more.
If you would like to walk with the Coat of Hopes, please email yes@coatofhopes.uk


News from Kenya. Shelomith, the Manager of Utugi Centre sends us news of the young man we have sponsored through secondary school. "We thank the St Cuthbert's Church for the support they have given to Dennis Fundi in Utugi Centre Kirinyaga Diocese Kenya He sat for his Form four in November 2023 and passed well.
He will be joining College on 20th May 2024 to pursue a course in Building and Construction."
Congratulations Dennis.
If you would like to write to Dennis, get in touch with Penny Horseman.

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven"