We meet at 4pm each Sunday and are fortunate to have preachers from either church once a month, as well as from the South East Northumberland Ecumenical Area (SENEA).
The community clearly values our continued presence, as many share our Harvest Supper in the village hall, there are occasional baptisms, weddings and funerals in Hauxley, and we always open up for the Hauxley Fun Day every August Bank Holiday Monday. We also hold weekly bible studies on Tuesday mornings in our homes, led by the now retired Rev. Terry Pottle.
Various groups use the chapel and adjacent village hall for mini retreats and meetings, including SENEA staff away days. The St Cuthbert’s congregation visits us annually for tea after the service in the summer months and various holidaymakers and caravan owners make regular visits – we’ve even had visitors come on recommendation by previous visitors from Ashbourne Methodists in Derbyshire!
We also open the chapel on summer weekends and provide free tea and coffee, so that walkers and other visitors can enjoy its calm and tranquil environment too.
We are a happy, friendly congregation and people of all denominations or none are welcome at our services which continue the tradition of hearty singing, often unaccompanied, and are followed by tea, coffee and our well known delicious home-made cakes !
If you would like to get in touch, please contact any of :
Rev. Lynda Coulthard, Trinity Methodist Church , Amble, on 01665 713251,
Rev. John McDermott, St Cuthbert’s, Amble on 01665 714560 (9am - 8pm)
Rachel Jones on 01665 712467

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."