An integral part of
our Christian life is engaging with and serving our wider community.
We will work hard to be a vital and vibrant Christian presence
in our community.
We will be generous in our sharing and engaged with our town, with hearts open to
the love of Christ, minds open
to the challenge of change,
and buildings that are open
and welcoming to all.

Ever living God, who longs that all people should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: we pray that you will pour out on us your Holy Spirit as we live as witnesses and speak wisely about the coming of your kingdom.
Give us discernment to find the places where you are at work and to join in with your mission.
Give us loving hearts for our families, friends and communities so we may share your love with them.
We ask it in the name of the Lord Jesus who shares his love with us. Amen.

The purpose of the Pastoral Group is to maintain a good practice of “pastoral care” to our regular church members and beyond. People particularly appreciate the group’s involvement at the “All Souls” service when those who have had funerals at
St Cuthbert’s were invited.
All the members of the group attended a training session on “Creating a Safe Space” provided by the Diocese. Four members also attended 4 weekly sessions on “Listening Skills” provided by the Diocese with a follow up Sessions.

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."