St Cuthberts Mothers Union are small group of very friendly ladies who believe implicitly in the aims of the M U.
​We meet once a month, on the second Wednesday of the month, in the back of church at 10:30 am. The following information should tell you what we are about, So if anything in that information strikes a chord with you, please do come along and join us.
I paid £30 subscription to Mothers’ Union. What was it for?
This is just some of the work that each £1 of your subscription helped to achieve last year.
£1 helped support 1.94 million people worldwide
£1 supported 128,000 people in the UK
£1 supported programmes that directly impacted 450,000 lives worldwide
£1 funded the AFIA (Away from It All Holidays) scheme which saw 2,026 individuals benefit from a much-needed break – Newcastle Diocese is very active on this front.
£1 supported the work of the Prison Ministry, also The People’s Kitchen and Fishermen’s Mission.
£1 supported work with the Church and other agencies influencing the Domestic Abuse Bill
£1 Supported programmes stopping violence.
£1 helped support over 3,000 women escaping domestic abuse here in the UK. Newcastle MU supports several refuges with essential items to help victims adjust to a new life.
£1 helped fund the wider use of technology during the pandemic with 14,000 people watching the virtual protest video calling for an end to gender-based violence. 2000 people on average join online daily for Midday prayers.
£1 helped 86% of dioceses engage with the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence. MU Newcastle benefits from material provided and is particularly creative and active on this front.
£1 helped to fund 11 International projects which reached and supported 29,102 new people, including the Literacy Project. Newcastle has also provided books for early learners locally.
£1 supported the Trauma Healing programme in helping people recover from the earthquake disaster in Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique
£1 supported programmes in Uganda, DRC, Myanmar, and Tanzania to raise awareness of and counter Domestic Abuse
£1 helped 13,248 people in Tanzania receive information about Covid-19 prevention
£1 helped provide 1,000 hygiene packs to vulnerable people in Burundi. In Newcastle Diocese help is given to vulnerable young people through ‘Changing Lives’, and ‘Streetwise’.
£1 supported members in South America to fund radio broadcasts in local languages to reach communities without mobile phones. They broadcast Covid-19 information, words of comfort and uplifting messages and hymns
£1 supported members in Uganda to broadcast radio and tv programmes raising awareness of gender-based violence. One such programme led to the return of 25 girls who had been trafficked to their families. In Newcastle support is given to Ukranian and Syrian refugees and other asylum seekers, especially for women with young babies, through initiatives like ‘Walking With’
£1 helped to train over 2000 church leaders and MU representatives in conflict resolution to help rebuild relationships and families affected by gender-based violence and abuse
£1 supported Gender based violence awareness training for 545 people in Myanmar
£1 helped fund over 100 parenting sessions in Uganda
£1 supported the setting up of 15 Trauma Healing groups in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe with 228 hours of group sessions taking place
£1 funded the magazines which members received from the Central Mothers’ Union
£1 helped to support the administration of the Charity as a whole.
£1 supported 25 staff at MSH as we recover from the global pandemic.
£1 helped provide release backpacks for those leaving prison with nothing and nowhere to go. Newcastle provide Fresh Start packs for prisoners released from HM Acklington.
£1 funded monthly video calls with leaders across the world so that MU members can respond faster to needs as they arise
£1 supported a three-country programme of awareness and support to reduce teenage pregnancies and the rise in single parents in South Africa, Uganda and Kenya
£1 helped develop use of new technologies to allow members to connect such as the online Midday prayers which are watched by an average of 1000 members daily. Newcastle MU contributes to these resources.
£1 supported groups to find innovative ways of educating their communities about gender-based violence and reducing the cases of child abuse. MU members in Newcastle support outreach initiatives such as CADA.
£1 kept Mothers’ Union, a charity started by a local group but which over the last 140+ years has grown into a global organisation, alive within our diocese and enabled it to flourish across the world.
The Diocesan part of the subscription also covers administrative costs, insurance, journals and expenses as well as helping various local charitable projects. In addition to this MU members also donate to a variety of other local initiatives giving hope and dignity to many vulnerable people.
This is the work your subscription supported – so much more than all the MU Newcastle initiatives.
MU work continued around the world even though members couldn’t meet together. Each year as members we pay our subscription to belong to Mothers’ Union, an organisation committed to transforming lives and conducting programme and policy work for long term community transformation under the three interlinked areas of…
Being a member of Mothers’ Union allows each and every one of us to transform lives just by paying our subscription each year. On top of that we get to meet each month with our friends for a time of fellowship where we can further support this wonderful work.
Thank you for your continued support, it matters to all the people who are supported and helped by Mothers’ Union around the world.
The time for transformation is now.